On behalf of the National Foster Care Association Malta (NFCAM), we want to thank you for attending IFCO 2017 International Conference – Setting Sail from a Safe Port – on November 1 – 4, 2017 at the Grandmaster’s Palace and the Old University in Valletta.
We hope that you found the conference informative and worthwhile. The primary goal of this conference was to bring together global foster care leaders, professionals, foster carers and young people, as well as friends and partners from around the world in an open dialogue, under one roof to discuss the issues our nation is facing and to develop possible strategies as to how Malta can become aware and more engaged in initiatives taking place in foster care across the world.
We believe that our diverse and dynamic group of speakers and panelists provided in-depth insight, as well as, actionable and practical tools of engagement models, methods and mechanisms that have worked in other countries; and were able to share how these could be utilized to improve foster care and to become more effective in the on-going development efforts towards the right of child.
Your presence helped to make this event a great success and your enthusiasm and positive spirit helped make our time together both productive and fun. We wish you all the best and hope that you continue to be engaged with NFCAM. Stay tuned for upcoming events by visiting our website on www.nfcam.org.
At IFCO World conference in Malta new 2017 – 2019 Board Members were elected. The Board then elected its four member Executive Committee and all four are care experienced and inspirational young women. This is yet another chapter in IFCO story. CONGRATULATIONS IFCO! The profiles of all board members are here listed on IFCO site: http://ifco.info/about-ifco/2017-2019-board-of-directors
We would like to thank all our sponsor and all partners especially Her Excellency The President of Malta and Her foundation, The President Foundation for the Well-Being of Society (PFWS) that made this conference a remarkable chapter in Malta’s foster care story.