, Mar 04, 2018 08:25 – Miktub minn Victor Vella “Naħseb li jrid ikollna l-kuraġġ u r-rieda illi nibdew inħarsu lejn il-possibilità li niffaċilitaw adozzonijiet minn pajjiżna stess. Dan fid-dawl tan-numru ta’ tfal li għandna taħt ordni ta’ ħarsien f’pajjiżna, illi jaqbeż l-400 tifel u tifla, u li minnhom jista jkun illi jkun hemm tfal eleġibbli […]
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Out-of-home children ‘must have rights as individuals’ – Lecturer says they cannot be seen as their parents’ ‘possession’
The Times Of Malta – Monday, February 26, 2018, 16:25 by Sarah Carabott Malta can stop treating children in out-of-home care as a parental possession and, consequently, only partly safeguarding their rights, university lecturer Daniella Zerafa thinks. “As we implement new legislation meant to protect children in out-of-home care, we need to ask whether, […]
Read moreInterests of the children should always come first
The lives of vulnerable children are at stake and both sides must come to an agreement if Malta really loves children as much as we claim we do. by Josanne Cassar, 22 February 2018, 9:54am MaltaToday It has taken over two years for the inquiry into the way decisions were being taken by the Children and […]
Read moreSole interest of Children and Young Persons Advisory Board should be to promote children’s interests
Inquiry was appointed by the prime minister Judge Michael Mallia said the board should have only one interest – to exclusively promote children’s interests. The board that advises on out-of-home care should never risk the children’s future or feel torn between their and the parents’ interests, a judge has warned. The Children and Young Persons […]
Read moreFamilja bi 3 itfal tiffosterja 3 itfal oħra
Għall-kopja Rose u Aaron Delia l-imħabba ta’ bejniethom ma waqfitx mal-familja tagħhom għax flimkien mat-tliet uliedhom qed irabbu tlitt itfal oħra. Il-kopja Delia qed jiffosterjaw tifel u żewġt ibniet. Ma’ fil-festa tal-familja huma stqarrew lit-tfal reġgħu ġabu ferħ kbir fil-familja minkejja l-impenn li jenħtieġu fit-trobbija tagħhom. Kien b’kumbinazzjoni li l-familja Aaron u Rose Delia saru jafu […]
Read moreCare Leaver Wins Top Industry Award for Documentary
A WOMAN who grew up in care has won a prestigious award for her documentary about young people in the care system. Rebecca Southworth, who graduated from the University of Salford’s BA Television and Radio (BATAR) programme with a first class degree in 2015, has won a Royal Television Society NW Award for her BBC […]
Read moreChildren need policy makers who invest in foster care – Half of children in out-of-home care are in residential care
Policymakers had to invest more in foster care and accept it was the preferred out-of-home care for children who are taken away from their biological parents, social worker and lecturer Daniella Zerafa urged this week. “Children need policy makers who invest in attracting more foster careers, not hesitating to declare foster care as the preferred […]
Read moreNational standards and policies in child protection lacking – paediatrician warns
Research carried out by paediatrician Kevin Borg, who has a special interest in safeguarding children, shows that, more than anything else, the health division in Malta is lacking an over-arching child protection policy that sets standards for all health professionals working with children, including doctors, nurses, midwives and other allied health professionals. These include learning […]
Read moreIl-President se tiftaħ bibien il-Palazz għad-Djar tat-Tfal
Il-President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca ħabbret li se tkun qed tiftaħ il-bibien tal-Palazz San Anton għat-tfal li jgħixu fid-Djar tat-Tfal, jew li qed jgħixu ma’ familji tar-rispett (“foster families”), sabiex il-Fundazzjoni għall-Benessri tas-Soċjetà tkun tista’ tagħtihom l-appoġġ li jkollhom bżonn, filwaqt li t-tfal stess ikunu jistgħu jitħalltu u jitkellmu bejniethom dwar l-esperjenzi simili li għaddejjin minnhom. […]
Read moreSupport high-quality out-of-home care for children, President appeals ‘We cannot be afraid to make tough decisions’
Do not remain immobile in the face of children in out-of-home care getting lost in the system, President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca urged stakeholders at a conference yesterday. “We cannot stand idle when so many children and young people are getting lost in the labyrinth of institutional structures and formal systems,” the President said. Ms Coleiro […]
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