Net News attenda għal din il-konferenza organizzata mill-Organizazzjoni Internazzjonali għall-Foster Care Rappreżentanti minn 42 pajjiż minn sitt kontinenti jinsabu f’pajjiżna għall-konferenza organizzata mill- Organizazzjoni Internazzjonali għall-Foster Care. Għal din il-konferenza ta’ fama mondjali, hawn 300 professjonist, akkademiku, politiċi, u foster carers – biex jiddiskutu u jħarsu l’ quddiem biex jissalvagwardjaw l-interessi tat-tfal. Fil-palazz tal-President fil-Belt […]
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BIR-RITRATTI: Tingħata bidu il-Konferenza Bjennali Dinjija tal-IFCO
Il-President Marie Louise Coleiro tat bidu għall-Konferenza Bjennali Dinjija tal-IFCO li qed tiġi organizzata bi sħab bejn l-Organizzazzjoni Internazzjonali għall-Foster Care u l-Fondazzjoni tal-President għall-Ġid tas-Soċjetà. It-tema tal-Konferenza hija ‘Setting sail from a safe port: giving our children confidence to move forward through permanent relationships’. Il-President esprimiet it-tama tagħha li l-konferenza toħloq sens ta’ ħbiberija u […]
Read moreWhat difference does fostering have on lives of children without natural parents?
There are currently around 250 boys and girls in Malta who are living in a family environment with foster carers. Some 300 delegates, including professionals, academics, foster carers and children from 42 countries are meeting in Malta for the World Conference of the Foster Care International Organisation. The delegates are discussing quality care systems for […]
Read more“M’hemmx kompromessi dwar opportunitajiet għat-tfal fostered” – Il-President
Il-President ta’ Malta Marie Louise Coleiro Preca saħqet li ma jistgħux isiru kompromessi fuq opportunitajiet mogħtija lit-tfal fostered. Fl-istess waqt sostniet li s-sigurtà u l-istabbiltà huma prerekwiżiti fundamentali għat-tfal kollha. Il-President kienet qed titkellem fil-ftuħ tal-konferenza dinjija tal-Organizzazzjoni Internazzjonali tal-Foster Care (IFCO), li qed issir f’Malta, bit-tema Setting Sail from a Safe Port. Hi indirizzat lill-parteċipanti li fosthom […]
Read moreChildren in out-of-home care are being short-changed, expert warns They need to be able to access justice
The State does not always deliver on its responsibility for the wellbeing of children in out-of-home care, according to the director of the President’s Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society. “This is not to say that all children leave out-of-home care with issues,” Ruth Farrugia said. “There are those children who come out of the […]
Read moreMeta tħobb daqslikieku tiegħek
Bejn l-1 u l-4 ta’ Novembru, Malta se tospita konferenza fuq il-fostering. Din se ssir fil-Palazz Presidenzjali l-Belt Valletta u se jkun hawn rappreżentanti internazzjonali. Il-konferenza hi organizzata minn erba’ organizazzjonijiet, li huma l-International Foster Care Organization, in-National Foster Care Association Malta, il-President’s Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society u l-Foundation for Social Welfare Services. […]
Read moreNew child protection proposals ‘lack clarity’
The Child Protection Act is being amended under new Family Minister Michael Farrugia. Lack of consultation on the Child Protection Act limits the effectiveness of fresh proposals, which fail to understand the trauma of forced contact between parents and their children, according to experts. Former minister Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca had presented a draft of the […]
Read moreNFCAM has launched a Foster Care campaign
There are 400 children under the ages of 18 that do not live with their natural family because of various social reasons. In most cases the only choice these children face is either to be consigned to a residential home or to a foster family. The National Foster Care Association has launched a campaign to […]
Read moreChildren cannot spend years in care
Children cannot spend years in care waiting for someone to decide their future, and a new protection law should ensure that never happens, social workers insist. The Maltese Association of Social Workers (MASW) is calling for a law that includes clear deadlines within which professionals will have to submit plans for children in out-of-home care. […]
Read moreDon’t force children to speak in front of abusers
Lawyer Daniela Azzopardi says the new child protection law should ensure that children who have been abused by their relatives are not forced to speak out in front of them. 6.20pm – Updated with social workers’ association views A planned new child protection law should ensure that children abused by their relatives are not forced […]
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