There are 400 children under the ages of 18 that do not live with their natural family because of various social reasons. In most cases the only choice these children face is either to be consigned to a residential home or to a foster family. The National Foster Care Association has launched a campaign to […]
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500 tifel u tifla għand foster families f’Malta
Il-Kap tal-Foster Care Team, John Rolè, it-Tnejn qal lil-laqgħa tal-Kumitat Parlamentari dwar l-Affarijiet Soċjali, li minn meta nbeda s-servizz fl-1996 kien hemm 29 foster carer u llum Malta hija l-uniku pajjiż fl-Ewropa li ttriplikat dan l-ammont ta’ foster carers. Illum hawn 500 tifel u tifla li ġew fdati f’foster families. Rolè qal li fl-1996 ħadd […]
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