The People of Malta 3 ta’ Novembru, fil-ħin ta’ 07:00 · “Fostering hija l-esperjenza ta’ familja. It-tifel jew tifla tingħata esperjenza ta’ familja. Matul dawn is-snin, irnexxielna nsibu post għal 500 tifel u tifla li jiġu fostered minn familji Maltin. Fl-Ewropa qatt ma saret, imma hawn Malta għamilnieha. Jiena kont għamilt 20 sena Brother mas-Salesjani. Kont […]
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Social Affairs Committee Meeting
Malta tripled the number of foster carers, the only country in Europe. During a parliament committee meeting on Social Affairs John Role head of Foster Care Team said that Malta is the only country in Europe that has tripled the number of foster carers. This is a fact and Malta should be proud of such […]
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