Waqt Persjani Mbexxqa tal-Erbgħa 4 ta’ Jannar 2023 li jixxandar fuq Net TV fit-8.30pm, Claudette Buttigieg, flimkien ma’ John Rolé u Daniela Zerafa, se jiddiskutu dak li jridu jiffaċjaw persuni li, wara taħriġ, jagħżlu li jrabbu tfal ta’ ħaddieħor permezz tal-fostering. X’jiġri meta il-ġenituri bioliġiċi jew naturali tat-tfal ma jkunux jistgħu jieħdu ħsieb lill-uliedhom? Ħafna […]
Read moreCategory: Newspapers
‘We had to Google a lot’: what foster and kinship carers looking after babies told us about the lack of support
Foster and kinship carers are volunteers who provide day-to-day care to children who are unable to live safely with their parents. A kinship carer is someone who is either related to the child or has a previous relationship with the child (such as a neighbour or family friend). Prior to placement in their care, a […]
Read morePeople of Malta – Daniella Zerafa
The People of Malta “Wara tnax-il sena li jiena u r-raġel ma kellniex it-tfal tagħna, għażilna li mmorru għall-fostering. Ma kinitx b’għażla li ma jkollniex tfal. Għaddejt minn ħafna tbatija speċjalment li kull darba kont nitlef it-tarbija. Il-problema ta’ ‘recurrent miscarriages’ hija sitwazzjoni partikolari u li jgħaddu minnha ħafna nies. Illum nieħdu ħsieb tlett itfal, […]
Bil-fostering ħajti nbidlet mil-lejl għan-nhar. Dan intqal minn Giulio Aquilina, li għandu tmintax-il sena u erba’ snin ilu kien ġie fostered. Giulio spjega magħna kif huwa minn dejjem xtaq li jkun fostered, sabiex iħossu bħala parti minn familja. Qal li huwa kien jistħi u waqt konferenza quddiem mijiet ta’ persuni wassal biex qal xewqtu: “Imma […]
Read moreWork by young people to remove stigma on fostered children
Just as much as the fostering system is seen as a good gesture for children who end up being taken away from their families, so much more is still a stigma on those people who talk about these experiences. In fact, many go through negative experiences because they have simply been raised with fostered families. […]
Read moreTaħriġ dwar fostering ibbażat fuq ‘My Backpack’
Taħriġ dwar fostering ibbażat fuq ‘My Backpack’ Is-Sibt filgħodu sar taħriġ għal persuni li jixtiequ jibdew jagħmlu fostering ta’ tfal bejn l-4 u t-12-il sena, bit-taħriġ jiffoka fuq il-programm ‘My Backpack’ li qed ikun applikat f’diversi pajjiżi Ewropej. Dan il-programm, li ġie ddiżinjat mis-Social Worker Bep van Sloten, joffri mekkaniżmu ta’ għajnuna għat-tfal biex fl-aħħar […]
Read moreFoster Carers training based on ‘My Backpack’
Training was held on Saturday morning for people who want to start fostering children between the ages of 4 and 12, with the training focusing on the ‘My Backpack’ program which is being applied in several European countries. This program, designed by Social Worker Bep van Sloten, offers a mechanism to help children ultimately […]
Read more15 children placed in alternative care in 2020
15 children were removed from the family environment they were living in and placed into the care and custody of welfare services in 2020. A child went back to live with their biological family by the end of that same year, with the parents regaining full custody of the child. The information was tabled in […]
Read moreAn article in the Times of Malta about The trauma of reconnecting children with biological parents after several years
The trauma of reconnecting children with biological parents after several years New contact after children went through ‘bereavement phase’ is problematic Sarah Carabott Foster parents are warning that recent efforts to reintroduce children to their biological parents after several years of no contact could be traumatic. Those who spoke to Times of Malta over the past […]
Read moreMinor Protection Act 2019
You can access the Monor Protection Act 2019 by clicking the links below. This Act will be replacing the Child Protection (Alternative Care) Act, Cap. 569, to provide for protection orders for minors, for alternative care and for suitable protection for those minors deprived of parental care or in the risk of being so deprived, […]
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